Essay Writing Unforgettable Moment My Life

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This year is the 10th year I am in school. I have always loved going to school as we get to meet our friends and learn from our teachers. Everyone has an unforgettable moment in their school life. My unforgettable moment was in primary school. The day started as usual I woke up, got ready and went to school. At school I met my friends and we assembled for the daily assembly.

In a stratified society they have goals which are linked with their position in. In item A “some sociologists link subcultural crime and deviance to the nature of capitalism” this shows that some sociologists believe that it doesn’t matter about what your norms and values are but depending on the amount of money that you have will determine you to turn to crime. The Chicago study would say that it is useful in explaining subcultural crime and deviance because they used participant observations to get more accurate results within different subcultures and Whyte would also agree that it is useful because they could justify their behaviour by the norms and values in which they share. Whyte’s Street Corner Society (1943) suggests that deviant groups in society have clear norms and values which justify their behaviour. How does crime affect society essay.

After that everyone when to their respective classes. I went to class and settled down as usual. I greeted my classmate and waited for the teacher to arrive.

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After that, the teacher arrived and after a few periods he exited the class. Next up was the English language class, which the teacher had requested us to go to the SAL room as per what we were told by the class monitor. I took my stuff and was ready to leave the classroom, when I felt pain in my abdomen.

I sat down for a while waiting for the pain go off by itself. I waited and waited but the pain still remained. I looked around and the whole class was gone except the class monitor. I called him, informed him of my condition and asked him to help me contact my parents.

He being a Good Samaritan, agreed and when to contact my parents. I realized that the pain was getting even bad. I started to walk around but without realizing I accidentally defecated in my pants.

At that point I thought my life was over as I was scared of all the foul sayings that are yet to uttered by my classmates and schoolmates. The class monitor came back and told that my parents are on their way.

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I informed him of my current predicament. He being a very good friend, told me to go to the toilet and wait for my parents. He told me that he would inform my parents that I was waiting in the toilet as soon as they arrived. Shortly after that, my father arrived.

I told him everything that had happened. He told me to wash up and place my undergarments into the plastic bag he had acquired from the school canteen. I did as he said and came of the washroom. Outside the washroom, a few of my so-called friends were waiting just to laugh at me. I did not speak a single word and just left the school. The next day, my parents took me to the doctor and I was diagnosed with food poisoning.

After fully recovering from the disease, I returned to school. At school, the whole day was filled with people making fun of me.

That was when I got to identify all my true friends. From that day onward, I decided that I would only talk to people who are worthy to talk to me.